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I sustained an overuse injury from running in 2023 and no one was able to help me get back on my feet. Then an acquaintance suggested I go see the folks at Chirosport. I’m so grateful for Dr. Corey, who figured out what the issue was and worked on me to help me return to run. I was able to begin my build back after only a month of visits. This establishment and the folks who work there are a gift to athletes. I can’t recommend ChiroSport highly enough.
I drive far to come here and was recommended by a patient of mine. 10/10 recommend! Not your average chiropractor, they don’t just crack your back but really makes sure to assess the root cause of your issues. Love that they have early hours as well. Dr Corey is who I see and he is very nice, friendly, and informs you every step of the way on what he does and what’s going on.
Very glad I found this clinic. I injured my arm last spring and had been experiencing pain and loss of mobility ever since. I visited several practitioners but had little improvement. Fortunately, my PCP suggested I find a chiropractor that does massage. That's when I came in to see Dr. McCurdy. He was able to identify the problem during my first visit. After a couple of months of seeing him consistently, the pain is now gone, I've regained full function of my arm, and am able to be active again. I'm very grateful.
Karis was great! She is super knowledgeable, attentive, and great to work with. I look forward to getting my range of motion back. I just wish I would have come by sooner.
Corey McCurdy is the best. Very personable and has a lot of knowledge on the human body, physical rehabilitation and health. 10/10 would recommend.